We are settling into school for Aiden and the new routines that brings. I have a love/hate relationship with morning deadlines. There has been one close call of desitin (diaper rash cream) being mistaken for toothpaste, due to me being overly tired, and WHO?? would put them in the same drawer??
Aiden was so excited his first day of preschool. He was bouncing around me all morning, "I AM SO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL!" I twirled around in a half panic and quietly thanked the Lord I had two other kids who need my attention and distracted me from all the unknowns of leaving your precious first born in the hands of someone else.
Little did I know Nolen would be the one who needed extra coddling on Aidens first day of school. We all three accompanied him to his class. I felt it was a bit much having the whole family out of the van, but we were in minority as many kids had both parents and sibling and cameras flashing as they made their way into academia. Aiden went right in, introduced his brother to his teacher and as we turned to leave, Nolen started screaming, "NOLEN SCHOOL NOLEN SCHOOL NOLEN SCHOOL!" I had to drag him out literally kicking and screaming. Once in the van he whimpered, "miss aiden miss aiden". Aiden was pleased to hear that Nolen had missed him to tears, and now asks everyday, "Did Nolen cry because he missed me?"
I didn't realize how much Aiden did around here as far as entertaining the masses. Nolen drags me out to play legos and wants me to paint with him and go play outside. So far it is not the two and half hours of productivity (or lazily laying around reading) that I had envisioned.
But as this is just the beginning we will solider on and I am sure just as I get the hang of things, they will change.
OH MY GOODNESS! THAT was fantastic writing my dear Kristen -- I burst out in a laugh more than once... I could envision everything. Well done, once again. POST MORE.
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