Okay, so this post is late. Nolen turned three almost a month ago. Prehaps I did not want to write about his party and subconsciously put off posting.
His birthday party was awful. I was going to say disaster...but I am trying not to overly exaggerate things. It started three days before when Coen caught a tummy bug. Within 24 hours he was back to normal. Nolen spent the day before his party acting a little lethargic, but showed none of the symptoms Coen had.
The day of his party he was tired and grumpy, which is not entirely unsual for him. So we forged ahead. Our first party guests arrived. Ellie had yet to be locked up and barked ferociously at the little faces pearing in the window (one of the little faces happens to be rather shy of dogs and proceeded to shriek in fright).
More guests arrived, and I went to find the birthday boy. He was sound asleep on our bed. I woke him up and drug him down stairs to all the chaos. The bouncy house fan was noisily blowing, ellie running around, kids crying...
Things got underway and settled down a bit. We dished out the icecream. Nolen blew out his candle and we started opening presents. Nolen was uncharacteristically not into opening presents. Steve sat him on his lap and helped him get going. About three fourths of the way through the gifts Nolen threw up.
Steve quickly wisked him upstairs to fall back asleep watching cartoons. The party guests finished bouncing and playing and then went home.
I felt horrible. I should have called off the party. I am glad that he probably wont remember this. We did a second party with the family the next day when he was back to himself.
Happy third birthday!
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