Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I, yes I made a cake

I try really quite hard to be a good house wife. To me this means baking and cooking, to be more precise, good baking and cooking. Believe me I can burn things like nobodies business, and I often have the smoke alarms going. I usually find a recipe, give my best, and come out very disappointed, go to the store and buy what I wanted made. So sad.

But this is a happy story! I made a cake....from scratch....and it worked! I liked it and more importantly two picky little kids liked it too! It is so great that it is all natural ingredients, no hydrogenated high fructose stuff. It didnt have a ton of sugar either.

So here it is thanks to this fabulous lady at www.se7en.org.za

I didn't take any pictures of mine, because to be honest I wanted to eat it so badly I could barely wait for it to cool. I just cut pieces out hastily and poured frosting on individually. You can look at her pictures they are very cute and maybe next time I wont be in such a pregnancy induced sugar craving that I can take a moment and make mine look cute too.

by the way the picture is of a Martha Stewart ricekrispiecookie cake....I think that sounds supberb too!

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